Who we are
Today, the FCLA is directed by an executive board composed by Ricardo Muñoz (Director of the Department of Astronomy of Universidad de Chile), Felipe Barrientos (Director of the Instituto de Astrofisica of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Director of FCLA), Sandro Villanova (Director of the Department of Astronomy of Universidad de Concepcion), Pasquier Noterdaeme (Deputy Director of FCLA) and Martin Giard (Deputy Director of science Astronomy-Astrophysics at INSU/CNRS). In addition to the researchers and students from the three participating universities, FCLA currently counts on the presence of up to four permanent French researchers.
IRL3386 - FCLA Board

Giard, Martin
Director INSU - AA

Barrientos, L. Felipe
Associate Professor PUC

Muñoz, Ricardo
Full Professor U. de CHile

Villanova, Sandro
Associate Professor UdeC
Giard, Martin
Barrientos, Felipe
Muñoz, Ricardo
Villanova, Sandro
Permanent French Staff & Current Visitors

Noterdaeme, Pasquier
Researcher - Deputy Director (also member of the board)

Chauvin, Gaël
Visitor (Dec 2022, Dec 2023)

Bouquillon, Sébastien

Gallenne, Alexandre
Postdoctoral researcher

Krogager, Jens-Kristian
Visitor (Jan-Feb 2023), Researcher (From March 2024)

Benesty, Myriam
Visitor (Dec 2022, Dec 2023)
Former UMI-FCLA Directors and members of the board

Rojo, Patricio

Demarco, Ricardo

Hamuy, Mario

Garay, Guido

Perrin, Guy

Escala, Andrés

Nagar, Neil

Galaz, Gaspar

Méndez, René
Former Permanent Staff and Visitors

Dessart, Luc

Menard, Francois

Jullo, Eric

Blondin, Stéphane

Dougados, Catherine

Chauvin, Gaël

Pinte, Christophe

Benesty, Myriam

Kervella, Pierre
Students - present and former

Alphonse Moreau
Astronomy Student

Constanza Villegas
Astronomy Student

Lombart, Maxime
Astronomy Student

Rodrigo Cuellar
Astronomy Student

Miguel Videla
Astronomy Student

Desgrande, Cerlia
Astronomy Student

Diego Zamora
Astronomy Student

Borniet, Simon
Astronomy Postdoc

Faure, Yohann
Astronomy Student

Felipe Gutierrez
Astronomy Student

Train, Boris
Astronomy Student