FRIPON is an efficient fireball detection and characterization ground-based network that started in France in 2016 with over one hundred cameras, and which has been extended to Europe and Canada including eighty additional stations. The network has shown to be able to statistically analyze matter falling on Earth - extra-terrestrial particles ranging in sizes from a few millimeters to a few meters - enabling a determination of the impact area through precise astrometry and triangulation, and allowing the organization of search campaigns to recover freshly fallen meteorites.
After five successful years of operation in the northern hemisphere, it appears necessary to extend this network outside Europe - especially to the southern hemisphere - where the lack of detections is obvious in order to obtain an exhaustive vision of the problem.
FRIPON-Andino is the name of the extension of the FRIPON network to the Andean states (Chile, Argentina, Peru, ...), crucial for filling-in the gap in the detection of these events in the southern skies.
FRIPON-Andino Stations
The stations are listed from north to south
(operational stations in blue and planed stations in black)
Place Host Status
Tarma (PEJI01) Pending
Calama Col. Chuquicamata Online
Baquedano (CLAN05) Pending
Inca de Oro El Pirquen Online
Laguna Santa Rosa Refugio Maricunga Online
Tierra Amarilla Desierto Cosmico Online
Salamanca Esc. Diaguitas Online
Cerro Calan DAS/UChile Online
Puerto Natales (CLMA03) Pending
Punta Arenas (CLMA01) Pending
FRIPON-Andino publications, conferences and major outcomes
Presentation at the International Meteor Conference, September 2023 (F. Gutierrez et al)
Proceeding of the presentation at the International Meteor Conference, 2023 (F. Gutierrez et al)
Presentation at the LARIM meeting, November 2023 (S. bouquillon et al)
Abstract of the presentation at the LARIM meeting, November 2023 (S. bouquillon et al)
FRIPON-Andino team
Founding Institutions
FCLA/DAS - University of Chile
Technical management and deployment: Felipe Gutierrez (U. de Chile), Hernan Pulgar (DAS/U. de Chile), Marcelo Tala (MAS/UAI), Rene A. Mendez (DAS/U. de Chile), Sebastien Bouquillon (LFCA/U. de Chile), Adrien Malgoyre (LAM).
Associated scientists: Millarca Valenzuela (MAS/UCN), Rene A. Mendez (DAS/U. de Chile), Kathy Vieira (UDA), Andres Jordan (MAS/UAI), Christian Nitschelm (UA), Massinissa Hadjara (NIAOT/U. de Chile), José Nilo (ULS), Maja Vuckovic (UV), Hebe Cremades (UM), Carlos Francile (UNSJ/OAFA), Myriam Pajuelo (PUCP), Bin Yang (UDP), Alexandre Corgne (UACh), Sébastien Bouquillon (LFCA/UChile), François Colas (PSL), Emmanuel Jehin (U. de Liège), Alain Klotz (IRAP), Pierre Bourget (ESO) & Pierre Vernazza (LAM).
For more information about FRIPON-Andino you can contact us at suport-chile at
Copyright © FRIPON-Andino Team - Hosted and maintained by LFCA and DAS Universidad de Chile.